Shoreline Complaints Procedure
Our aim is to provide a first class service and to do everything we can to ensure you are satisfied, if for any reason you are not satisfied please follow these instructions:
- If you feel that we have fallen short of the required standard and you wish to complain, we ask that you first telephone or visit us at the Estate Office to explain your displeasure, we will try and rectify the matter.
- If you remain unhappy with the way your complaint has been dealt with after speaking to the person with conduct of your matter – and giving that person reasonable time to have dealt with the complaint and the retraction of it – then you should set out your complaint in writing. Either by letter to The General Manager, Folkestone Harbour and Seafront Management Company Limited, Harbour House, Folkestone Harbour, Folkestone, Kent, CT20 1QH and deliver with proof of receipt, or post first class with proof of posting (in which case receipt is deemed to have occurred 48 hours after) or by email to with an attached letter.
The following information will be useful in helping us deal with your complaint:
- An outline of your complaint explaining why you feel that we have fallen short our target standard.
- What you think is necessary or would what you would like us to do to resolve it.
- Any specific details that you feel would assist us with resolving your complaint, including, but not limited to Name of the person(s) you have spoken to, time and date of the incidence(s), any written correspondence in relation to your complaint, any other documentation that may support your complaint.
- The timescales of dealing with a complaint are as follows:
- Within 2 working days of receiving your complaint you will receive an “acknowledgement of receipt”;
- Within 7 working days of the acknowledgement, you will receive a response. If we have been unable to resolve the complaint within those 7 working days we will provide you an explanation of why we have been unable to meet this time frame and give you estimate of when a full response will be provided.
- After our final written response, we may deem the complaint closed. If we deem the complaint closed, then we reserve the right to not enter into any further correspondence.
If it is within 6 months of from our last communication with you regarding the complaint.
- We are members of the Property Readdress Scheme. If you remain unhappy with the response received from us and have exhausted our complaints procedure, you can contact the Property Ombudsman to ask them to investigate your complaint. In order to take your complaint to the Property Ombudsman you must first have carried out the following:
- You have waited 8 weeks from the date of your written complaint to us; and it is within 12 months from our last communication with you regarding this complaint.